Qualitative Research Proposal (Thesis) - NDX AKA MUSIC -->



Qualitative Research Proposal (Thesis)

The study intended to reveal symptoms of holistic-contextual data collection from the natural background by using self-study as a key instrument. Qualitative research is descriptive and tend to use inductive analysis approach. Process and meaning (subject perspective) is more highlighted in qualitative research.
The characteristics of qualitative research coloring the nature and form of its report.Therefore, a qualitative research report is prepared in narrative form that is creative and insightful and shows characteristic naturalistic full of authenticity.

Qualitative Research Proposal Format
1. Context Research or Background

This section contains a description of the background research, to what purpose this peelitian done, and what / who is directing the study. (See also make a preliminary thesis)

2. The focus of research or Problem Formulation

The focus of the study contains detailed statements about the scope or the main topics that will be revealed / explored in this study. When used the term formulation of the problem, the focus of research includes the questions will be answered in the research and reasons for filing questions. These questions are asked to find out what the picture will be revealed in the field. The questions posed must be supported by reasons why it is displayed.
These reasons should be stated clearly, in accordance with the holistic nature of qualitative research, inductive, and naturalistic, which means very close to the phenomenon being studied. These questions submitted after a preliminary study in the field.
3. Research Objectives

The purpose of this research is the outcome targets to be achieved in this study, according to the focus that has been formulated.

4. Platform Theory

The foundation of the theory used as a guide for the focus of research in accordance with the reality on the ground. Besides theoretical basis is also beneficial to provide an overview of the background research and a discussion of research results. There are fundamental differences between the role of basic theory in quantitative research with qualitative research. In quantitative research, the study departs from theory to data, and ends on the acceptance or rejection of the theory used, while in qualitative research the researcher is based on the data, utilizing the existing theories as explanatory material, and ends with a "theory".

5. Usability Research

In this section demonstrated usefulness or importance of research, especially for the development of science or the implementation of development in a broad sense. In other words, the description section usefulness in the feasibility study contains reasons for the problem under study. From the description in this section is expected to be concluded that research on selected problems are feasible.

6. Research Methods

This chapter contains a description of the methods and measures concerning operational research approach to the study, the presence of investigators, research sites, data sources, data collection procedures, data analysis, checking the validity of the data, and the stages of research.
a. Approach and Type Research
In part II, researchers need to explain that the approach used is a qualitative approach, and include brief reasons why this approach is used. It also raised theoretical orientation, that is the foundation of thinking to understand the meaning of a symptom, such as phenomenology, symbolic interaction, culture, etnometodologis, or art criticism (hermeneutics). Researchers also need to express what type of research used ethnographic, case studies, grounded theory, interactive, ecological, participatory action research, or research class.
b. Attendance Researchers
In this section it should be mentioned that the researcher acting as an instrument as well as data collectors. Instruments other than humans can also be used, but its function is limited as supporting researcher duties as an instrument. Therefore, the presence of researchers in the field for qualitative research is absolutely necessary. The presence of these investigators should be described explicitly in laopran research. Important to clarify whether the role of the researcher as a full participant, participant observer, or a full observer. In addition, it should be mentioned whether the presence of the researcher in mind its status as a researcher by the subject or informant.
c. Research Sites
Description of study sites filled with identification characteristics of the location and reason for selecting the location and how the researcher to enter the site. The location should be clearly described, for example geographical location, physical structure (if necessary included a map of the location), organizational structure, programs, and everyday situations. Site selection should be based on considerations of attractiveness, uniqueness, and compatibility with the chosen topic. With the selection of this location, the researchers expected to find things that are meaningful and new. The researcher is not quite right if megutarakan reasons as close to home researcher, researchers have worked on it, or the researcher has to know key people.
d. Source Data
In this section reported the type of data, data sources, data da crawl technique with adequate information. The description includes what data is collected, how their characteristics, who are used as research subjects and informants, how the characteristics of subjects and informants, and with the way data is enmeshed, so that credibility can be guaranteed. For example Dragnet data from informants selected by the snowball technique (snowball sampling).
The term sampling in qualitative research should be used with great caution. In qualitative research the purpose of sampling is to obtain as much information as possible, not to do rampatan (generalization). Sampling was charged in the situation, subjects, informants, and time.
e. Data Collection Procedures
In this section described the data collection techniques used, such as participant observation, depth interviews, and documentation. There are two dimensions of data records: fidelitas da structure. Fidelitas connotes the extent to which evidence from the field are presented (audio or video recordings have fidelitas high, whereas the field notes have fidelitas less). Dimensional structure to explain the extent to which interviews and observations conducted in a systematic and structured. Matters concerning the type of recording, data recording summary format, and recording procedures described in this section. Also noted are ways to ensure the validity of the data by triangulation and the time required in data collection.
f. Data Analysis
In the data analysis process described systematically tracking and setting interview transcripts, field notes and other materials for researchers to present findings. This analysis involves the processing, organizing, solving and synthesis of data and the search for patterns, disclosure is important, and determining what was reported. In qualitative research, data analysis performed during and after data collection, with techniques such as domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, komponensial analysis, and analysis of themes. In this case, researchers can use nonparametric statistics, logic, ethics, or aesthetics. In the description of this data analysis operations in order to be given examples, such as matrix and logic. (See analysis)
g. Checking Validity of Findings
This section contains a description of the efforts of researchers to obtain the validity of its findings. Findings and interpretations in order to obtain valid, it is necessary to study its credibility by using the techniques of the presence of researchers in the field extension, which deepened observation, triangulation (using multiple sources, methods, research, theory), the discussion of peers, negative case analysis, compliance tracking results , and member checks. Further checks can be done at least transferred to another setting (transferrability), dependence on the context (dependability), and can at least be confirmed to the source (confirmability).
h. Research stages
This section menguraikann process of conducting research ranging from preliminary studies, design development, research in fact, until the writing of the report.
7. References

Library materials are included in the reference list should have been mentioned in the text. This means that library materials are only used as reading material but not referred to in the text are not included in the reference list. Conversely, all library materials mentioned in the thesis, thesis, and dissertation must be included in the reference list.Procedure for writing the reference list.
Elements that are written in sequence include:
1. author's name written in this order: last name, first name, middle name, without academic degrees,
2. year of publication
3. title, including subtitle
4. city where the publishing, and
5. name of the publisher.

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